Benefits of effective website branding for UX design

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When it comes the User Experience (UX) there are a lot of design decisions and considerations that play an important role. Especially when focusing on UX in web design and development. From the layout and the visual design features, to the functional design of buttons and simplicity of forms, there are  a number of things to consider. But one thing that is often overlooked, is the company branding. This should be a prominent feature of any website, and this should go without saying. However, branding and UX actually share a symbiotic relationship. And this should definitely be considered when designing websites for a positive UX. But what actually are the benefits of effective website branding for UX design?

What are the benefits of effective website branding for UX design?

The link between company branding and improved UX is all about perception. Clear company branding allows users to develop a clear perception of an effective and professional company. While a good UX design actually backs this up with physical proof, and adds to this perception. As a result, clear branding can bring a number of UX advantages, including:

  • Branding and UX work together to build trust- clear company branding provides the website users with a company or brand personality or persona to really believe in. This is an important part of building a connection with potential customers, and securing an increase in sales and sign ups. And, perhaps even more significantly, a good user experience is always one that can build and develop trust with the audience. So in this respect clear branding and effective UX go hand in hand.
  • Branding reinforces the positive messages of the UX- if your company website is easy to use and well designed to meet the needs and requirements of your website users, then this allows users to form a positive opinion of your company. And your branding has the power to make or break this opinion. Poor branding, with a poor brand identity can undermine any amount of effective UX, and leave customers feeling less positive about their experience with your company. So itโ€™s essential that your branding reaches the same high level as your UX design.

How to make sure your branding has a positive effect on your UX

To make sure your company branding on any website is effective for promoting a positive user experience, you should consider:

  • Using a company colour scheme
  • Making sure any pop-ups or banners are well branded to build user trust
  • Consider all copy, images and design choices as part of your company branding

For more information or advice, or for high quality, professional web design solutions, get in touch with the experts today, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester. We are Manchesterโ€™s leading web design professionals. We work with a variety of companies across Manchester, and the North West, including those in Blackburn and Chorley, to provide high quality web design solutions.